In the past few decades, the world we live in has changed dramatically – mostly due to the magnificent advancements in technology. So as we look forward at the changing world we ask ourselves - what kind of world are we preparing our students for? About half of the jobs we know now could disappear within 10 years, and most of the new jobs haven’t been invented yet! The new generation will use tools we can’t imagine, to solve problems we don’t foresee. How can we prepare them for this new world?

Meet ChessMatec – the world’s leading platform for learning life skills through Chess!

Many studies have shown the power of chess as a tool for improving academic and cognitive performances. A study conducted by the Armenian State Pedagogical University in 2017 researched the correlation between the impact of implementing Chess in the educational systems as an innovative way of teaching and the intellectual development in pre-school aged children. The study found that certain characteristics such as logical thinking, improvement in memory, higher level of attention and self-control were being developed in the students that learned Chess from a young age. This research concluded that students will benefit positively from the implementation of Chess into the educational system.

We at ChessMatec use the chess game to raise a new generation of thinkers, inspire young minds and develop their life skills. Skills such as problem solving, creative and strategic thinking and other critical skills of the 21st-century. These skills will benefit students and prepare them as they grow up into our changing world. ChessMatec takes teachers, students and parents on an exiting journey of personal growth.
To start, our students LEARN chess and play until they master the basics. Then they ANALYZE their game and learn powerful new strategies & tactics until finally they learn how to TRANSFER the same strategies in real life problems! This way our students aren’t only learning how to play Chess, they’re learning how to think ahead, be patient and improve their cognitive thinking in a way that will support them later in life.
More than 200,000 students worldwide have already started learning Chess with ChessMatec! Today ChessMatec is a fully developed end to end digital platform for teachers and children. Our platform includes a digital app, detailed lesson plans, video lessons, a teachers’ dashboard and on-line competitions conducted worldwide! Join us at ChessMatec and download our App to start teaching your kids Chess today in order to prepare them for the world of tomorrow!

Armenian Research:
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