Usually around this time of year, everybody is excited to go back to school! This year is a little different, since COVID-19 has come into our lives, and we ended up needing to make some changes. A lot of schools and programs are moving into online learning and looking for creative ways to keep their students interested and motivated. With ChessMatec for teachers, we have got the perfect all-in-one-solution to teach chess virtually. ChessMatec for teachers provides all the curriculum, intuitive tools, and resources you need to run a successful Chess program, even if it is online!
Let’s start at the beginning – why should you choose ChessMatec as the chess-teaching online program for your school?
Our system is based on sound pedagogic principles, meaning we use several different approaches on order to reach our students. Rather than relying on a chess instructor point to a black-and-white board for 45 minutes, the ChessMatec program incorporates movement-games into the learning environment. Through our accompanying ChessMatec App, we allow each student to progress according to their individual starting point and pace, therefore giving teachers the opportunity to engage any and all students. We provide a digital platform/application, as well as video lessons that are ready for your use. Lastly, the creators of the ChessMatec program are both Chess Master experts themselves, so they know the game inside and out.
So, for all of you coaches, teachers and parents out there looking for ways to inspire your students to learn Chess online – we’ve got you covered.

1. With ChessMatec, you can sign your whole school up to our program – and no one has to miss out on the fun! Currently we have over 1,000 schools participating in our program, with more than 200,000 users from 10 different countries. The ChessMatec program is designed to be presented during regular class hours, even over Zoom, meaning all the kids can participate and benefit. These weekly lessons last 45 minutes, during which the children learn not only chess skills, but thinking skills and even life skills.
2. ChessMatec for teachers is an all-in-one inclusive solution – meaning you get the most through our program. ChessMatec provides teachers with prepared lessons plan for beginner and intermediate students, so you don’t need any prior chess experience in order to teach your students.
Our lessons include such innovative learning tools as original stories, movement games, teamwork assignment, developmental puzzles, and much more. Moreover, through our App, ChessMatec integrates chess-problem-solving into an entertaining learning system that’s fun for young kids. All our lesson plans can be delivered online as well as in a classroom, since the ChessMatec program utilizes short films and a digital platform to present its material.
3. Teacher Dashboard - Last but not least, we provide our instructors with a Teacher Dashboard where they are able to easily create classrooms and import students. The Dashboard is also where each teacher has access to our prepared lesson plans and videos, but also where they can view helpful metrics and statistics such as how far has each student advanced in the ChessMatec App and what their current rating is.
We believe that through our ChessMatec for Teachers program you can continue to teach your students the game of Chess online in a way that will be fun and engaging for them.
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