Everyone can teach and learn with ChessMatec
ChessMatec para profesores te proporciona un programa de enseñanza completo, herramientas intuitivas, y todos los recursos que necesitas para ofrecer con éxito un curso de ajedrez
ChessMatec en 2020
Kids Learn Chess
3.000+ Schools & Kindergardens
10M+ puzzles solved
Programa completo
ChessMatec proporciona a los profesores lecciones ya preparadas para principiantes y estudiantes de nivel intermedio.
Las lecciones incluyen herramientas de aprendizaje novedosas, como historias originales, juegos de movimiento, actividades en equipo, rompecabezas, y mucho más.
Applicación ChessMatec
La aplicación de ajedrez más avanzada y fácil de usar del mercado. ChessMatec integra la solución de problemas de ajedrez en un sistema de aprendizaje entretenido y divertido.
Lecciones en vídeo
Estos vídeos comprenden la trama de nuestra historia, y utilizan la narrativa y las animaciones para enseñar a los niños todo lo que necesitan aprender sobre los fundamentos del ajedrez.
Gestión del aula
Crea fácilmente diferentes aulas, importa estudiantes, y obtén estadísticas útiles.
Loved by Teachers & Trusted by Kids
We asked our teachers a couple of questions about ChessMatec so that you could get to know them too! What do you like about ChessMatec? What is the biggest challenge in teaching young kids?
Ryan Brookwell is Chess Teacher from Calgary, Canada
What I love most about ChessMatec is that I can use chess as a tool to teach kids about sharing, taking turns, and developing their emotional awareness and social skills. When they enjoy my lessons, they start wanting to learn about chess even in their free time.
Naama Levy is Chess Teacher from Holon, Israel
With ChessMatec I act like an actress to fascinate them and also use a variety of tools. Otherwise, I hear sentences like “I don’t like chess”, “chess is boring”, etc. Moreover, it takes time to make the kids remember the rules of the game, so I need to repeat them over and over again in many different ways until they do.
Vlad Rekhson is Chess Teacher from Calgary, Canada
I like the exciting ChessMatec exercises and the fact that kids get immediate feedback on how they do. The biggest challenge is making it fun for the kids and helping them improve their game all at the same time.