Play Chess Against Computer
Along with our App, we also have an online chess-playing platform called “ChessMatec Online” where our students can play chess with kids from all over the world or play online against the computer.
Kids can log into their account at ChessMatec Online and are able to start to play Chess online with friends from all over the world. If they want, they can choose to play chess against the computer and pick a time-frame for the game and select the level of difficulty.
Click below to start playing our ChessMatec Chess for Kids App!
Click below to play on the ChessMatec Online platform against other players worldwide or against the computer!

In our ChessMatec Chess For Kids App you will be able to play and learn the game of Chess!
Our ChessMatec App is built with all the lessons that will teach children how to play Chess from the very basics and up to very advanced levels – all created in a gamified, animated and colorful fashion that makes it easier for the kids to learn.
At ChessMatec, we took the game of Chess and divided it into small and colorful lessons so that the Child has fun learning how to play in their own pace.