ChessMatec is providing you with Video Tutorials, Stories and much more to help you on your Chess Journey!
Welcome to the Kingdom of Chess! This is a magical place filled with adventure, where we are going to learn all about the different Chess Pieces!
What you will learn?
The Story of the Kingdom of Chess is one of the stories we tell in our Chess Lessons! This story is all about the different Chess Pieces that live in the Kingdom.

The Story of the Black and White Princes tells the tale of how the game of Chess came to be - and it all started with two rivaling brothers!
What you will learn?
The story of the Black and White Princes is another story we tell in our Chess Lessons! Through the video you will learn the value of solving arguments in a calm manner - through the game of Chess!
The Rook is one of the Pieces that lives in the Kingdom of Chess! The poor Queen has lost all her flowers, and she needs the Rook's help to get them back!
What you will learn?
Learn how the Rook moves and captures!
In the game of Chess each Piece has its own numerical value!
What you will learn?
Learn the different values of the Pieces!
So you are playing Chess and your King just got Checked by your opponent! What can you do now?
What you will learn?
Learn the three different ways that you can get your King our of Check - Escape, Block or Capture!
In the game of Chess each piece a different way to move and capture!
What you will learn?
Learn how each Piece moves on the Chess Board, and how they capture the other Pieces.

In our ChessMatec Chess For Kids App you will be able to learn and play Chess!
Our ChessMatec App is built with all the lessons that will teach children how to play Chess from the very basics and up to very advanced levels – all created in a gamified, animated and colorful fashion that makes it easier for the kids to learn.
At ChessMatec, we took the game of Chess and divided it into small and colorful lessons so that the Child has fun learning how to play in their own pace.