Chess for Intermediates
The ChessMatec App is an interactive educational game, the most advanced one for learning and practicing the game of chess in a fun and exciting way for beginners and intermediate chess players alike. Our App is divided into eight worlds, with more than 2000 puzzles and challenges in which the children must overcome the monsters and save the Chess Pieces in a game full of adventure.
The different Worlds are comprised of stages and levels that teach the Child about all the pieces, moves and tactics. Each level starts with a short animation that gives an example and an explanation of what the upcoming exercise will entail. The first few levels teach the basics of chess to newcomers to the game, but the rest of the levels are more advanced and focus on teaching more advanced tactics and strategies. As the game progresses the Child will have a chance to take a short test at the end of each level to measure their own progress, and they can even play chess against the computer according to the level of difficulty that they’re currently learning.
Intermediate Chess players can try out the later Worlds in our ChessMatec App like “Mate in Two”, “Advanced Tactics” and even “Mate in Three”. Some of the lessons included in these worlds will teach you strategies like Double Attack, forcing a Stalemate and more.
Using the Worksheets attached below and the puzzles in our ChessMatec App, you can get your kids playing chess brain-games to invest in their future.
ChessMatec App

In our ChessMatec Chess For Kids App you will be able to learn and play Chess!
Our ChessMatec App is built with all the lessons that will teach children how to play Chess from the very basics and up to very advanced levels – all created in a gamified, animated and colorful fashion that makes it easier for the kids to learn.
At ChessMatec, we took the game of Chess and divided it into small and colorful lessons so that the Child has fun learning how to play in their own pace.